Therapy for Teens

Are you worried and concerned about your teen?

  • Is your teen experiencing mood swings and/or behavioral changes?

  • Does your teenager have difficulty managing stress and life responsibilities?

  • Has your teen recently experienced a difficult transition such as divorce, moving, or social and/or school changes?

Additional reasons to seek help for your child may include:

  • Marked changes in sleeping and/or eating habits

  • Difficulties in concentrating (that interfere at school or at home)

  • Depression shown by prolonged negative mood and attitude

  • Severe mood swings

  • Worries or anxieties that get in the way of daily life, such as at school or socializing

  • Continued use of alcohol and/or drugs

  • Threats of self-harm or harm to others

  • Self destructive behavior

  • Frequent outbursts of anger, aggression

Some of these behaviors are normal for many teenagers, however, if you are noticing a significant change in your child, or answered YES to any of the questions above, individual therapy may be beneficial.

Starting your teen in therapy is a great first step to guiding your child toward a happier, open and more balanced life.

Therapy allows your child to manage their difficult emotions and learn positive coping skills that they can continue to use throughout their adult lives. Therapy focuses on improving interpersonal relationships and communication skills.

Being a teenager in this day and age can be extremely stressful. With so many expectations and pressures, along with the influence of social media, it is understandable that teens are experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression at an increased rate.  

As your child begins to enter their teen years, they will face many changes as they learn more about themselves and the world around them. Friend groups may shift, academic pressures can increase, and your teen may begin to experience lowered self-esteem, which can lead to other emotional difficulties.  

It can feel almost impossible for your teen to balance school work, home life and obligations, all while trying to navigate their social lives.  Sometimes when this happens, your teen can develop symptoms of anxiety, depression or mood swings. When these symptoms occur, you may notice that your teen seems overwhelmed, avoids activities they once loved, or begins spending more time alone. You may also notice your teen spending most of their time on their electronics, or see that their friendships are changing. Your teen may even begin to engage in risky behaviors, such as experimenting with substances or risky sexual behavior, which can lead to even more distressing issues.  

As a licensed therapist who works with children and teens experiencing these very issues, I understand how scary and overwhelming this can all be for a parent. I want you to know you are not alone and I can provide you and your teen with the tools to help better their situation.  I will teach your child important skills needed to learn how to manage difficult thoughts and emotions, and I will provide the space for your child to talk openly and honestly without fear of judgement.

I will help your teen develop new habits to help cope and manage some of these feelings they are experiencing. I will help them feel more confident and empowered and will provide them with tools to manage symptoms so that they can move forward with leading a balanced, successful and happy life.  

Teen Therapy FAQs

My priority as a therapist is to make sure both my clients and their parents feel comfortable about treatment, so I have put together several commonly asked questions regarding therapy for teens.

  • During our initial session, I will gather information about your biological, psychological, and social history and ask you questions about your current situation. We will discuss goals and what you hope to get out of therapy.

    In subsequent sessions, I will provide a safe space for you to discuss and process any issues you are experiencing, such as stress, life transitions, etc. We will work on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors that are getting in the way of your personal growth. If your teen struggles with anxiety or depression, I will teach you how to manage these symptoms with positive coping skills.

    I rely on evidence-based treatments such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction to help your teen move forward and lead a balanced, happy life.

  • A teenager will sometimes be resistant to seeing a therapist. They may feel shame or embarrassment about needing to see a therapist. They might worry that their friends will find out and think they are “crazy” or there is something “wrong” with them. Therefore, it is best to approach your teen from a place of love and express your concern openly and with care. Let your teenager know that you love and support them. Reassure them that you will provide them with the help and they need to be happy and healthy.

  • When working with teens, it is essential that they feel therapy is a safe, private place for them to talk about whatever bothers them. Without that sense of privacy and confidentiality between the teen and therapist, teens are likely not to trust the counseling therapist. When I work with teenagers, what they share in therapy stays between us. The only exception to this rule is when a minor has discussed hurting themselves or has reported abuse.

  • Everyone’s circumstances are different. The time to reach your goals will largely depend on your participation and commitment. We offer flexible scheduling of appointments in person and via telehealth online.

  • I specialize in talk therapy and do not prescribe medications. If it becomes clear that your teenager could benefit from medication, I will refer you to a psychiatrist who can help address medication needs.

  • I currently accept United, Aetna, & Cigna insurance. Coverage and benefits for therapy services change from one health insurance company to another and from plan to plan, so you should check with your insurance company to find out what they will cover. Under many insurance plans, coverage is partial or very limited. Before you can get reimbursed by your insurance company, your therapist would have to diagnose you with a mental disorder or issue, which is recorded in your teen’s medical file.

    I offer affordable pricing options for 50-minute sessions.

    I am happy to talk with parents to help them understand how their teen may benefit from therapy sessions and determine whether I might be a good fit. If you would like to speak further on how I may be able to help your daughter or son, please feel free to contact me.

    I’m currently seeing most patients in person, and telehealth is available for patients who request it.

Reach out today

If you’re ready to help your teen begin on a journey toward a happier, less stressful life, I can help. Call 949- 272-8100 or request an appointment at my Newport Beach practice. In your free 15-minute consultation, I can answer questions and set up an initial meeting where your teen will be able to relax in a comfortable environment and better understand the benefits of working with a teen therapist.